SuperSucker Industrial Vacuun Truck Can Handle Any Job Big or Small

Whether on the job site or on your commercial property, the benefits of hiring a vacuum struck to collect and dispose of different forms of waste are numerous. An Industrial Vacuun Truck can handle any job big or small, safely and easily removing waste products in solid or liquid form.

At Vactone, we want to ensure our customers we are using the most innovative technology to handle industrial waste. This is why we decided to add a SuperSucker Industrial vacuum truck to our already impressive vac truck fleet. The SuperSucker Vac Truck can be used for a variety of different applications, from industrial to agricultural, making Vactone one of the most versatile industrial cleanup companies in the East.

The SupeSucker is a powerhouse; using 5600CGM at 27 inches of vacuum. This allows our technicians to tackle virtually any industrial cleanup job. The truck effectively removes a wide variety of materials of various viscosities and densities; pneumatically conveying solids, liquids, slurries, and sludge through lines of an eight inch diameter or less.

With spring underway, now is the perfect time to begin catch basin cleaning in your municipality. Over the winter, catch basin systems take serious abuse. Road waste, leaves, and other debris can clog catch basins over time. This can resulting poor water flow and street flooding which can damage roadways and impair driving. In addition, as these contaminants break down they can cause pollutants to enter natural waterways in the community.

If your municipality or commercial property requires catch basin spring cleaning, our fleet of vac trucks are ready and waiting to answer the call. For more information on catch basin or industrial cleanup services, please contact the professionals with Vactone Environmental Services, LLC. We proudly serve Areas of Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.