Sewer Drain Video Inspecting Cameras Protect Prospective Homeowners

When purchasing a new home, buyers are usually far more concerned with the flooring, cabinets, counter tops, and number of bedrooms than with the internal workings of the house. While a home’s aesthetics are important, it is the structural elements–the foundation, roofing, electrics, and plumbing–that truly define the quality of a home. If any of these systems is not in prime working order, the functionality and safety of the home is immediately threatened.

How then does one pull back the outer layers of dirt, cement, brick, and drywall to inspect these foundational systems? Fortunately, where plumbing is concerned, sewer drain video inspecting cameras are highly efficient tools for discovering problematic issues that would force unwary buyers to flush thousands down the drain.

There are many reasons to inspect the sewer lines before signing off on the sales contract. By their vary nature, tree roots are constantly seeking sources of water, making sewer lines a popular target for their invasive action. If given enough time, the roots will fill up the pipe, stopping the flow of water and debris. When caught in a timely manner, tree roots may be more easily removed before permanent damage is done. Unfortunately, root growth that becomes too pronounced in the plumbing requires a much more costly and extensive remedy, often resulting in the replacement of the damaged line.

Additionally, homes built in the 1950s were popularly made with tar paper sewer lines. Wear and tear breaks down this material, so the sewer line must be completely replaced. Future homeowners can save themselves money and concern by having an inspection performed while the present owner still has some responsibility to the property.

Anyone who has personally experienced backed up or broken sewer lines has an unique appreciation for the importance of solid plumbing in a home. Problematic sewer lines are not only inconvenient  but also unsafe, allowing all of the illnesses discovered in raw sewage to linger about the home. The results from sewer inspections offer future homeowners true confidence in their purchase. When you find your dream home, please  contact us to confirm the condition of the plumbing.