Septic Sewer Cleaning: Residential and Commercial Services

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Cleaning the septic tank isn’t something you may think about very often. But keeping your septic system in good shape is critical in preventing failures like clogging and environmental issues that could end up costing you a lot of money. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a regular septic system maintenance plan in place.

How does a septic system work?

Household wastes—from the toilet, the washing machine and other household functions that create waste—all go through a main line into a septic tank. Naturally occurring bacteria breaks down waste material in the tank. Solids settle at the bottom, and liquid rises to the top, later traveling to a leach or drain field that absorb it into the soil and ground water.

How often should you have your septic tank pumped?

This depends on the size of your tank, how many people live in the house and how much strain is being placed on the tank. The stress on the tank is determined by things like washing machine use—don’t do ten loads of laundry in a row! Garbage disposals, water softeners, even medication, can cause unnecessary strain on the tank. It’s generally a good idea to wait between laundry loads to give the tank a chance to settle. If you don’t, your system can easily become clogged. For regular household use, typically, tanks should be pumped every one to three years.

What causes the septic tank to get clogged?

If you want to keep your septic system functioning well, take some basic steps to avoid clogging. For example, stagger showers and loads of laundry. Speaking of laundry, don’t use excessive amounts of laundry detergents, bleaches and other chemicals. In the kitchen, don’t let large amounts of fat or grease get into the system. Don’t allow water softener systems to be plumbed into your tank; they can destroy the bacterial process going on in your tank. Address any plumbing leaks immediately. They may indicate that your septic system is being saturated or something isn’t working right.

What is a good maintenance schedule for a septic system?

First, you should work with professionals who will customize a maintenance plan that makes the most sense for your home and your needs. The regularly scheduled maintenance will usually consist of routine pumping to help maintain the efficiency and life of your system. Technicians will pump the tank down to the bottom, getting rid of any solids that could cause potential clogs to your leaching system. You’ll receive reminders when it’s time for a new maintenance visit. This way, you can rest assured that your septic system will be functioning well for many years to come.

Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. now offers residential and commercial septic sewer cleaning. If you’d like more information, the professionals at Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. are available for a consultation to help assess your particular maintenance needs.

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Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection—serving Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern to central Connecticut and Rhode Island.