Stormwater Systems, What You Need To Know

As a business owner, you’re responsible for many things, including your stormwater drainage system. Proper, regular maintenance of this system is crucial to not only protecting the environment, but also avoiding costly back-ups or penalties for improper waste handling.

Understand Your Stormwater System

It’s best to call on professionals to maintain your storm system, so that you can focus on your business. However, it’s a good idea to know the basics of your storm system so that you can care for it properly. In past blogs, we’ve discussed the components of a well-designed storm system.

A quick refresher:

Stormceptors are the units that separate dirt, oil, grease, sediment and other particles from storm water runoff.

Catch basins are devices that collect pollution, which comes from water runoff. They are designed to catch excess debris from runoff water before it washes into sewer pipes. Leaves, twigs and dirt tend to accumulate in catch basins.

Your Stormwater System Maintenance Checklist

Get in touch with a company, such as Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc., that conducts regular maintenance check-ups. Once you are in the system, we’ll know when it’s time for another check and what your company’s specific needs are.

Things you should be checking for include: excess sediment build-up (at least twice a year), pipe inspections that check for corrosion and blockages, and storm drain repairs. Did you know that debris, as well as animals, can be trapped in your pipes? Or standing water in your storm drain basin can indicate a serious clog?

What to Expect from Stormwater System Maintenance

Experts will not only check for the issues above, but they will also determine if your pipes are structurally sound. For example, corregated metal pipes are most likely to corrode.  Professionals will also make sure that your system is up to code, meaning that it meets Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines. For instance, the EPA recommends that you don’t leave standing water from runoff for longer than 72 hours. There are also regulations concerning your system’s location—proximity to highways, bridges, etc. You may be in violation of rules you didn’t know about, so it’s best to contact professionals.

Determine Your Long-Term Environmental Protection Plan

What plans do you have in place to protect lakes, rivers and wildlife from potentially hazardous debris?  Potentially hazardous material can be a by-product of many industries, but it doesn’t have to pollute the environment. If you have a well-designed stormwater system with regular maintenance checks, you shouldn’t have to worry about anything. If leaks are sealed and clogs removed, pipes checked for corrosion and other service checks, you’ll be able to rest assured that your business is doing its part to keep the environment clean. At Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc., we’ll help you devise a plan to keep things flowing smoothly, while at the same time, protecting the environment.

Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection—serving Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern to central Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Contact us today for a consultation!