Stormceptor: The most effective and recognized method of storm water purification

When people think about effective water management, the chances are they haven’t thought about how storm water can be purified to keep pollutants out of rivers, lakes, and streams. Storm water is full of small particle pollutants along with oil and other dangerous run-off. In a traditional storm drainage system, street water and storm water flow into storm drains, through underground pipes, and directly into lakes, streams, and rivers nearby. The storm water is not clean and dumps pollutants, germs, and other chemicals into the water making it unsafe for humans and wildlife.

Over time, polluted storm water that runs into lakes and streams can leach into groundwater and wells. This will pollute drinking water, tap water, and soil. Fishing in certain lakes and streams becomes unsanitary and dangerous since any wildlife in the polluted streams will be unsafe for consumption.

The simplest way to prevent further pollution of lakes and streams  through the drainage of storm water and street water run-off is to implement a system that purifies the water before it gets to lakes, streams and rivers. Technology is now available to purify storm water and street water. The Stormceptor system is the most recognized and efficient storm water oil/sediment separator available today. A Stormceptor’s purpose is to purify lakes, rivers, and streams by filtering out pollutants that are found in street and storm water.

A Stormceptor, just like any other water management or drainage system, will require regular maintenance. A Stormceptor must be cleaned of pollutants on a regular basis to prevent system failure. Finding a maintenance company and crew to care for your Stormceptor may have been challenging in the past; now Vactone Environemental Services is on the case. Vactone is experienced in caring for every type of Stormceptor available, and offers emergency cleaning services as well as preventative maintenance.

If you have a Stormceptor in need of cleaning or maintenance, or have any questions related to the Stormceptor system, please contact us, our knowledgeable staff is available to answer any of your questions.