Stormceptor Preserves the Integrity of the Water Supply

Water is one of the world’s most precious natural resources; in fact, water has become even more valuable than land in many instances. As a result, water care and preservation are topics that are at the forefront of many municipal, county, and even national dialogues.

Water’s fluid property makes it highly susceptible to a variety of contaminants; therefore, it’s essential that filtration systems are in place to secure the integrity of ground water, lakes, rivers, and streams. Stormceptor, a patented water filtration structure, replaces  traditional manholes in storm drain systems to remove both free oil and suspended solids from storm runoff before it joins other water sources.

Frequent testing and purposeful engineering of Stormceptor units have ensured the highest efficiency possible. When properly installed, Stormceptor is capable of removing 50% to 80% of contaminants. Not only does this filtration structure remove free oil during low flow conditions, but it also prevents the re-suspension of trapped pollutants.

Available in both concrete and fiberglass models, Stormceptors are comprised of two essential components–the lower treatment chamber and the upper by-pass chamber. Drain pipes direct water to the by-pass chamber, diverting low flows into the treatment chamber via a separate pipe configuration. Free oils, which are lighter than water, rise to the top of the treatment chamber where it is trapped in an insert set in the pipe. Sediment, on the other hand, settles to the bottom of the treatment chamber where it is also trapped. By utilizing the natural properties of these contaminants, Stormceptor is capable of removing the impurities so that only clean water travels downstream to the lakes, rivers, and streams.

Once installed, routine maintenance of the filtration unit is essential to the system’s efficiency. Vacuum trucks are readily able to clean out all the trapped impurities from the Stormceptor, ensuring that the system is always functioning at its full potential.

Water is becoming more and more valuable. In order to maximize this most important natural resource, it’s essential to prevent contaminants from entering into the system. Please contact us today to discover the benefits that the Stormceptor filtration system can offer today and tomorrow.