What’s Really Going On With A Sewer Video Inspection?

Plumbing is something that lots of people take for granted. Chances are you never even think about the pipes running through your home until something goes wrong and suddenly the house has a clogged artery. In the past plumbers had to try and diagnose the problem from the outside, giving it their best guess and hoping they were right.

Thanks to the Gen Eye sewer video inspection camera though these professionals can now get a clear, up-close look at exactly what’s going on in any kind of sewer pipe.

Advantages of The Gen Eye:

With the advances in camera technology the idea of taking video of previously hidden places isn’t new; heck, doctors can put cameras inside patients now. The Gen Eye video pipe and sewer inspection is more than just a camera on the end of a plumber’s snake though. In a very real sense it’s an all-in-one field device for plumbers who need to get to the bottom of a sewer problem.

The Gen Eye offers features like:

  • Built in Voice Over Unit: Allows commentary to be added to videos so you can give explanation to your clients.
  • Full Keyboard: You can add text to videos taken, which can be important for identification purposes.
  • AC Converter: This device has a built in converter, allowing it to hook up to a vehicle in the field if necessary.
  • Date and Time Stamp: If you need to know when your system developed a problem the Gen Eye makes sure the video is dated and timed so clients can make proper decisions.
  • SD Card Use: The Gen Eye uses a standard SD card that can hold up to two hours of video. These cards are easy to use and swap, making them an ideal way to transfer video.

The Gen Eye combines all of these features with a rugged casing and 300 feet that the camera can be pushed into a pipe. With its small size and durability the Gen Eye can create simple videos that give you a worm’s eye view of whatever situation is happening inside your pipe. In the hands of a professional who’s practiced with the system there’s really no other way to get the scoop on what’s going on in your sewer.

For more information about sewer video inspection or to get a quote for one of your own simply contact us today!