Key Benefits of Pipe Jetting Services for Your Business

There are many ways to tackle a tough clog, but high pressure water jetting is, in many cases, the most effective. Over time, sewer mainline pipes can become clogged due to dirt, debris, grease, and plant roots. Clogs of this type can completely back up the drain systems throughout your commercial building.

Pipe jetting involves forcing water at a high psi through the mainline pipe system. The water jet pressure is set high enough to clear out stubborn debris and also break through tree or plant root systems; completely flushing out your mainline pipe system. Once the jetting process is complete, often pipes look almost as clean as when they were initially installed.

Key Benefits of Pipe Jetting Services

  • Environmentally Friendly: There are no harmful chemicals used when pipe jetting. It is the high pressure of the water stream that clears out clogs in mainline pipes.
  • Safe For Older Pipes: Old or fragile pipe systems can often fail or become damaged beyond repair after clog clearing. Water jetting is considered one of the safest clog clearing methods to use with damaged or frail pipe. By preventing line breaks and excessive damage to frail pipe, water jetting can reduce repair costs down the line and significantly extend the life of your pipes.
  • Pipes Remain Cleaner Longer: Since water jetting flushes out 95% of all pipe debris, including tree and plant roots, this can reduce the chances of another clog for many years after the cleaning.
  • Improves Overall Water Flow: Once the pipe has been cleared using the water jetting method, you will notice a significant difference in how much better water flows through your building’s pipes. This is due to the fact that water jetting removes debris exceptionally well in comparison to other methods.

If you are interested in clearing your mainline pipes using our expert pipe jetting services, please contact the professionals with VacTone Environmental Services. We proudly serve the residents of Southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts.