Oil water separators keep our water safe

They aren’t a general topic of conversation around the office water cooler.  It is one of those things that very few people know or care about.

Everyone seems blissfully ignorant about them, that is, until something goes wrong and a community’s water becomes dangerous to drink.  Oil water separators are absolutely necessary for the health of a municipality’s drinking water.


Ask yourself these few questions:

  • When an automotive shop washes its floors what is in that water run off?
  • A company that maintains a fleet of trucks or cars needs to clean their flooring regularly.  Much of this is diesel fuel, oil and other petroleum products.   Where do those cleansers wind up after they go down the drain?
  • The garage where you park your car has to have a clean floor for the safety of all who walk on it.  When drippy oil pans, transmission fluid, anti-freeze leaks and other undercarriage punctures are washed off where is its final resting place?

Each time these business clean, their run-off has oil and grease in it.  It is up to an innovation called an oil water separator that does the dirty job of keeping this waste water clean.   This apparatus is placed underground and is normally accessible via a sewer or manhole cover.  Through a series of filters the oil water separators combs through the run off. The grease, oil, fuel and other environmentally damaging pollutants are isolated from any water coming from your facility.  The storage tank for these toxins will eventually fill up and require cleaning. This is where we come in.  It’s a dirty job but, we don’t mind.

For those buyers who are looking at facilities to purchase for their business contact us, and we will be happy to come out and take a look at your present set up.  Armed with our information and assessment of the equipment you will be able to make a sound decision on that portion of your purchase.

We don’t install but, we provide the greater service of maintenance.  Talk with one of our trained technicians about scheduling routine cleanings and up keep.