What Can a Vac Truck Do for You?

Get Rid of Debris in Hard-to-Reach Places

Excavating certain materials can be very challenging if you don’t have the right equipment. That’s why VacTone Environmental comes fully prepared with trucks that can do even the most difficult jobs.

Rolling Stones. . .

Some commercial properties have underground propane tanks. These tanks are armed with a protective coating that helps to fight off the environmental forces that would otherwise destroy it and /or compromise its effectiveness. When these tanks are installed, the backfill should consist of sand or solid earth. But sometimes it includes gravel or some loose stones in the material, which can be abrasive to propane tanks. That’s why the tanks have to be replaced and loose rocks removed before re-installing them. This is where vacuum trucks come in. Contractors like those at VacTone can clean up the stones around gas tanks so they can be replaced and installed properly.

What CAN’T a Vacuum Truck Do?

Vacuum trucks can take care of pretty much anything that can be sucked up. Trucks can extract gravel from 150 feet away. Whether it is down a hallway or inside a factory, vac trucks can take care of most unwanted debris. However, the debris has to be seven inches or smaller in diameter to get up the hose. If it’s bigger, other methods are used to excavate it.

Hard-to-Reach Places

The biggest advantage of having a vac truck at your disposal is all of the tough spots you can reach with it. The professionals at VacTone Environmental have vacuumed loads of dirt and debris from under crawl spaces, and even on top of roofs. One job involved the cellar of a cement company, where dirt needed to be cleaned out of deep pits. When excavation is needed in tight areas or underneath buildings, a vac truck is your best bet. Here are just a few of the places where a vac truck can be an invaluable resource:

  • crawl spaces—residential and commercial
  • under buildings
  • roof tops
  • tight spaces inside buildings
  • small alleys

Sometimes there are narrow passage ways between buildings, and that’s another situation in which a vac truck can provide the solution. If you need to clean out dirt and debris between two close buildings, the trucks at VacTone can do the job!

What You Didn’t Know about Vac Trucks

Each truck comes complete with high-efficiency vacuum equipment that can extract sludge and liquids from your site. The heavy-duty hoses will be able to effectively vacuum those areas that are difficult to access. VacTone provides a variety of other services as well, including wet and dry vacuuming and storm water filtration services.

At VacTone Environmental, we’re committed to doing these jobs that are far too complex for you to try to handle yourself. We go the extra mile at a reasonable cost in order to get the job done. Contact us today for a consultation!

VacTone Environmental Services is your New England connection—serving Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern to central Connecticut and Rhode Island.