How to Get Your Bulk Waste Cleaned and Recycled

If you own a restaurant, large or small, the last thing you may think about is waste disposal. But not only is it important, it’s also vital to consider the type of company you choose to work with to get the job done. At Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. , we believe in protecting the environment, so our waste removal services are done in such a way that we not only clean everything thoroughly, but we also recycle. This benefits the companies we work with, because now more than ever, customers want to patronize green companies that adopt environmentally-friendly practices.

Why should you maintain your grease trap?

If you don’t schedule regular maintenance or don’t tend to it at all, the grease that’s built up can flow out into the sewer system. If it hardens, it can cause serious clogs and back-ups. Not only will your business be slapped with heavy fines, but you can also do serious damage to the environment. If you should have to replace your entire septic system due to negligence, this will not only disrupt your business, but it will also be very costly. Most importantly, it’s a preventable expense. Regular maintenance will keep your business—and your sewer system—running smoothly.

Grease Trap Service

Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. . has resources that are able to handle any size grease trap, whether it’s inside or outside. We offer high pressure water jetting to ensure that your drain lines flow smoothly without clogs. Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. also works with you to develop a maintenance schedule that best meets the needs of your business. When you work with us, you can spend more time focusing on your customers and your business.

Good for the Environment

The grease that is pumped from your facility goes to a recycling facility that effectively separates oil, fat and grease and reuses them for the benefit of the environment. For instance, some of the waste is turned into beneficial oil or additives that are used to produce compost for agriculture or even electricity!

Recycling your company’s waste has numerous benefits. First, “going green” puts your business at an advantage with environmentally conscious consumers. Second, it means that waste won’t be polluting the soil, lakes and rivers. Waste becomes something usable, and results in less need for imported oil and reduces toxic air emissions.

When you work with Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. , you can rest assured that the waste removed is recycled and reused to help protect the environment for generations to come. After all, it’s not only about removing unwanted clogs from drainage pipes, it’s also about making an investment in the future. So you can be proud to work with a company that’s doing its part for the environment. And your customers will thank you, too!

Delivering unparalleled customer service, Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. goes the extra mile at a reasonable cost to get the job done. Contact us today for a consultation!

Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection—serving Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern to central Connecticut and Rhode Island.