Waste Disposal Myths

Get the Facts

Proper waste disposal is critical in keeping the environment safe and healthy for generations to come. What can your business do to ensure that waste isn’t mishandled and that things like catch basins are cleaned thoroughly? Below we’re setting the record straight about waste disposal. Read on to be better informed about what you need to do.

MYTH #1: All you need to do is find a contractor who says they dispose of waste material.

Believe it or not, many contractors still dispose of waste and hazardous materials illegally. Before hiring a contractor, you have to make sure they follow state and federal guidelines for proper waste disposal. Ask around and see if they have a good reputation. Find out if they do a thorough job, or if they take short cuts. Then you’ll know if you want to work with them.

MYTH #2: Cleaning out a catch basin shouldn’t take that long.

If your contractor works fast, that’s fine. But make sure they clean the catch basin all the way to the bottom. If not, the sump won’t be able to store as much water. If the contractor only cleans just below the outlet pipe, the catch basin won’t be able to perform as well as it could. Cleaning the catch basin also means checking the overall condition, including the condition of the pipes. All of this should be part of a thorough inspection.

MYTH #3: It’s okay if a contractor is somewhat sloppy, as long as they get the work done.

When contractors are sloppy with their work, that’s a sign that they’re not disposing of waste properly. This can cause pollution of rivers, lakes, oceans, ground soil and everything else in the environment.

MYTH #4: Toxic material can be put into a landfill.

If you throw hazardous material into a landfill, not only does it take up more space, but the toxins can seep into the ground and pollute drinking water, not to mention the rest of the environment. You need to call on professionals who will dispose of it properly.

MYTH  #5: Hazardous materials are mostly industrial chemicals.

While pollution can come from many industries, there are several products you use in your home every day that are also toxic. For example, cleaning products, paint, even medicine can be extremely hazardous if not disposed of properly.  Many things can potentially contaminate the water supply, the soil and even the air.

MYTH  #6: Disposing of waste means just getting rid of it.

Instead of disposing, it’s better to think of it as managing waste. Proper management is about separating solid waste, removing leaves and twigs, and taking care of potentially hazardous material. It means recycling materials that can be reused, and also preventing the transmission of diseases.

If you’d like more information, the professionals at VacTone are available for a consultation to help assess your particular drainage, inspection and maintenance needs.

Call on us today!

VacTone Environmental will set up a regular maintenance schedule, depending on your needs.

VacTone Environmental Services, serving Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.