How Clean is Your Water? Maintaining Your Storm Water Systems

Did you know that the leading cause of poor water quality is storm water pollution? It’s also referred to as nonpoint source pollution. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), any new developments or expansions of existing sites—or any business properties in urban areas—should all have a storm water management plan. Do you?

At VacTone, we’re the experts in the industry, dedicated to maintaining your storm water systems and separators.

Why is there a need for storm water filtration? First of all, filtration is the process of blocking the passage of—or removing—a targeted material. When you have potential pollutants, such as oil and the sediment from parking lots, as we discussed in the last blog, not to mention many other pollutants caused by our modern world, you need to protect the quality of your water.

Why Filtration Matters

A number of filtration systems have proven to be able to quantify just how many pollutants are infiltrating water systems. Extensive testing, which has yielded this kind of proof, is crucial to helping us understand how to keep these systems clean, to help remove targeted pollutants.

Many businesses are located in urban areas, and as a result, are especially susceptible to having water pollution issues. As a business owner, there are many things you can do.

Devices That Do the Job

A stormceptor can be your best friend. It is a unit that separates oil, grease, dirt, sediment and other particles from storm water runoff. The professionals at VacTone work on the care and maintenance of stormceptors to prevent water pollution and backup issues.

A catch basin is a device that prevents water pollution. It is designed to catch the debris and particulates found in runoff water before it washes into the drainage and sewer systems. What you will usually find in a catch basin are things like dirt, twigs and leaves. There are several different types of catch basins, so it’s important to know if yours could be more efficient than it is. The best way to find out is to contact experts, like the ones at VacTone, for a consultation.

No matter what your business, it’s important to have peace of mind about the quality of your water. Not only do businesses score big points for caring about the environment, but the health of your employees and customers is number one. Professionals contractors, like the ones at VacTone, can help maintain the quality of your water and storm systems. By doing so, we also help to prevent potential water pollution disasters. Most importantly, we get rid of debris according to EPA regulations, so you can be sure everything meets or exceeds the highest standards.

With extensive flooding in urban areas, it’s more important than ever to maintain a healthy, clean water supply. Call on us today!

VacTone Environmental will provide you with high-efficiency vacuum equipment to clear out sludge from your facility. In addition, we’ll set up a regular maintenance schedule.

VacTone Environmental Services, serving Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.