Why it is Important to have an Effective Storm Drain Management System

Storm drains are known to be an extremely important component of a drainage system. They are especially effective to drain out any surplus water that starts to accumulate during any particular weather conditions such as excessive rainfall. It is important to have an effective storm drain management system and clean your storm drains our regularly to take advantage or its benefits.

It limits repair costs and maintains the quality of water

A storm drain that is well cleaned works well in lowering the pollution level in your property. Most homeowners believe that their storm drains are connected internally to the local, sewer treatment system. However, this is not true. In most neighborhoods, storm drains are directed to a water body like a stream or a lake that may be located close by.

These water bodies, most often, are the source of water that is supplied to the neighborhood. If the storm water is contaminated, it could hamper the quality of the water quite a bit. But if a storm drain is cleaned frequently, this crisis can be averted.

Contaminated water supply can be a healthcare issue and also ruin the quality of garden soil. In addition to that, water that is contaminated has a high level of chemical residues which has been known to affect the supply pipes of homes, causing unnecessary costs in terms of plumbing repairs.

It stops private property from suffering any structural damage

If a storm drain is clogged with debris, it fails to perform optimally. This clogging normally takes place when the debris is washed along with the storm water. When clogged or flooded storm drains accumulate water, this water tends to become directed towards the basement or foundation of the home in question.

When the basement of a home gets flooded, it leads to moisture seepage, which eventually ends up extending into the dry walls. This in turn causes the growth of mildew and mold within the lower slabs of the foundation, a condition which is particularly difficult to access and clean on a regular basis. Therefore, to keep concrete-based repair costs and plumbing costs at a minimum, it is important to keep storm drains clean and unclogged.

It prevents homeowners from having to waste money on fines and tickets

If your storm drains are clogged, it can lead to the clogging and choking of other storm drains along the same street you live in. This could lead to severe damage to the landscape and the neighborhood, such as garden soil erosion, mixing regular water supply with the storm water, thereby contaminating it, and more. This localized flooding can lead to several civic penalties for a homeowner.

It stops harmful odors and gases from building up

Usually, there is some form of organic waste content in storm water, especially when storm drains are located close to homes with gardens, and homeowners haven’t bothered to keep the drain away from the shredded vegetation. There are fertilizers used in gardens which is deposited into the storm drains, resulting in harmful gases when this gas decomposes.