Waste Disposal & Proper Catch Basin Cleaning: 3 Things To Watch Out For

When you hire contractors to clean out your catch basins and storm water systems, how do you know if they’re doing it properly? What are the effects of improper waste disposal? It’s important to be well-informed about this issue because you want your business to be environmentally friendly. Here are a few things to look out for:

  1. Catch basins need to be cleaned all the way to the bottom. Some contractors take shortcuts and clean just below the outlet pipe. While the sump is designed to handle a maximum amount of water, it can’t store as much water if it is not cleaned to the bottom. Thorough cleaning enables your catch basin to perform at an optimum level.
  2. Make sure your catch basins are inspected thoroughly. This means checking the conditions of pipes, as well as other details, which may indicate poor functioning if potential problems are not addressed. VacTone always checks pipes and, as mentioned above, cleans the catch basins all the way to the bottom—something not all contractors do.
  3. Your catch basin contractor should dispose of waste material properly. This is critical. Many contractors still dispose of waste material illegally. You want to watch out for any contractor that doesn’t adhere to state and federal guidelines, as we do at VacTone. We follow all of these regulations for proper disposal, which enables you to do your part to help the environment.

The Effects of Improper Waste Disposal

If your contractors are sloppy with their work, chances are they’re not disposing of waste material properly, either. This is a red flag. If waste isn’t handled properly, it can cause all kinds of pollution of the environment—lakes, rivers, oceans. In addition, the soil can be polluted and hazardous materials can be added to landfills, taking up space and seeping into the ground.

When cleaning out catch basins, we at VacTone separate solid waste, which includes leaves, twigs and other natural obstructions. But when materials are potentially toxic, we follow strict guidelines to ensure the material doesn’t harm the environment. Believe it or not, there are a number of household products that you wouldn’t think would cause harm. But they do. Medicines, cleaning products, paint and other items can be hazardous if disposed of incorrectly. If you were to flush some of these products down the toilet, they could negatively impact waste treatment processes and contaminate vital water sources, such as ocean water.

Proper management of waste materials isn’t just good for the environment, it also helps to prevent the transmission of diseases and enable recycled materials to be reused. That’s why the professionals at VacTone are dedicated to thorough cleaning and proper waste disposal.

If you’re looking for contractors, make sure they have the same commitment to the environment, because if you don’t, it could cost you extra money to clean up sloppy work—and you may be liable for pollution of water systems and ground soil.

If you’d like more information, the professionals at VacTone are available for a consultation to help assess your particular drainage, inspection and maintenance needs. Call on us today!

VacTone Environmental will set up a regular maintenance schedule, depending on your needs.

VacTone Environmental Services, serving Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.