The 5 Most Common Waste Disposal Myths

What Every Business and Home Owner Should Know about Excess Debris and Waste

Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is dedicated to safe, efficient waste removal, among other services, because we’re committed to protecting the environment. Industrial pollution is one of the most common causes of the pollution of lakes, streams and rivers, as well as the soil. As a business owner, you can do your part to keep the environment clean by understanding how to effectively dispose of commercial waste. As a homeowner, you’ll want to be well informed about maintaining a safe septic system. The following are some of the most common myths about waste disposal.

Myth #1: Toxic materials are only found in commercial chemical waste.

Did you know that a lot of products lying around your house are also classified as toxic waste? Medications, cleaning products, paint and other household items must be disposed of properly. Otherwise, they can get into the water supply and pollute not only the water, but also the soil and air.

Myth #2: Toxic waste is safe as long as it’s put into a landfill.

Toxins in a landfill can easily be absorbed into the soil and groundwater, which is very hazardous. You need to contact professionals to dispose of toxic waste safely.

Myth #3: You only need your septic system cleaned once a year.

This depends on the size of your home. Typically, the size of your septic system is directly related to the number of bedrooms you have in your house. It’s a good idea to work with professionals who can help customize a maintenance schedule that best fits with the size of your home, as well as your household’s needs. For example, how much strain is being put on your septic system? The answer is determined by things like the usage of the washing machine and garbage disposal. These are things to discuss with your maintenance professional. Regularly scheduled cleanings typically consist of routine pumping, which can help extend the life of your septic system and prevent costly and inconvenient clogs.

Myth #4: The only way you’ll clog your septic tank is by flushing large objects down the toilet.

Actually, there are many ways you can clog your septic system. For example, overuse of laundry detergents, as well as bleach and heavy chemicals, can contribute to a clog. In the kitchen, beware of materials such as chicken fat, grease and other thick substances, which will all likely cause clogging. If your septic system does become clogged, call on professionals who will pump it out and get it running smoothly again.

Myth #5: Find a contractor who is recommended, and who says they can dispose of waste material.

This is only partially correct. You must also make sure that the contractor you choose adheres to state and federal guidelines for proper waste disposal. You’d be surprised at how many contractors dispose of waste illegally, taking short cuts. When you ask for recommendations, make sure the contractors you choose have a good reputation and do a thorough job. If not, you could find yourself having to spend more money to get the job done right.

Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. now offers residential and commercial septic sewer cleaning. If you’d like more information, the professionals at Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. are available for a consultation to help assess your particular maintenance needs.

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Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection—serving Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern to central Connecticut and Rhode Island.