Proper Waste Disposal

Is Your Contractor Disposing of Your Waste Properly?

Before you hire a contractor to clean your catch basin and dispose of waste, you need to be sure that they will do the job according to state and federal regulations. This is very important, because too many contractors still dispose of waste illegally.

Here’s what you need to know:

When catch basins are cleaned, they are typically full of materials such as leaves, twigs and sediment collected from storm water runoff. This material is classified as solid waste by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). All of these catch basins have to be disposed of according to the agency’s regulations and policies.

When a basin is cleaned out from a drainage system that handles only storm water, the material collected can be disposed of at any landfill that is permitted by MassDEP to accept solid waste. The agency doesn’t typically require storm water-only catch basins to be tested before waste is disposed of, unless evidence is found that the basin was contaminated by a spill or some other toxic event. If they are contaminated, they have to be examined and evaluated according to Hazardous Waste Regulations and treated as Hazardous Waste once it has been identified.

“Combined Sewers” are drainage systems that collect storm water runoff into sanitary sewers. MassDEP may require that the material collected from these be tested before it can be disposed of.

What are the laws regarding landfills in Massachusetts?

According to MassDEP Solid Waste Management Facility Regulations, landfills in Massachusetts will not accept any material that contains free draining liquids. If there is no free water in a truck that transports catch basin cleanings, the agency will accept any material that is sufficiently dry. Otherwise, a Paint Filter Liquids Test is required—and the material will need to be examined with this test. Sometimes liquids can be removed at the site with a hydraulic lift truck.

The equipment used by VacTone Environmental incorporates the latest technology and will be able to release all excess water back to the catch basin so that a paint filter test will not be necessary.

What should you do to ensure your contractor is handling waste properly?

You should request proof that your contractor has disposed of the material, because you will be held responsible for proper disposal. This proof should be in the form of paperwork, or a manifest, detailing the work that was done.

Proper management of waste materials helps to protect the environment, prevent the transmission of disease and allow recycled materials to be reused. At VacTone Environmental, we are dedicated to proper waste disposal and the protection of the environment.

If you’re looking for contractors, make sure they have the same commitment to the environment, because if you don’t, it could cost you extra money to clean up sloppy work—and you may be liable for pollution of water systems and ground soil.

Contact us to learn more about proper disposal and state regulations.

VacTone Environmental Services is your New England connection—serving Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern to central Connecticut and Rhode Island.