Pollution That’s Preventable

It’s on the news all the time. Lead in drinking water, ancient pipes that should be replaced—all of these things contribute to a water pollution crisis. Did you know that half of ocean pollution is caused by waste water and sewage systems? Did you know that every year, five to ten billion tons of industrial waste is pumped into oceans, rivers and other water sources?

Like you, we at VacTone Environmental care about the environment. That’s why we are at the forefront in the inspection and maintenance of water drainage systems, to ensure that they meet the highest standards for safety.

Businesses in all different types of industries call on the professionals at VacTone to ensure that their drainage and filtration systems are up-to-date and running effectively.  Here’s a sampling of what we do to help protect the water supply:

We maintain stormceptors. With spring upon us, there will be plenty of rainstorms. A stormceptor separates dirt, oil, sediment and other particles from storm water runoff. By maintaining the stormceptor, we prevent water pollution and backups. We also inspect pipes for corrosion and recommend a schedule for replacing and maintaining them.

We inspect, clean and maintain catch basins. These devices catch any debris and particles that are found in storm water runoff before they wash into drainage and sewer systems. Because there are several different types of catch basins, it’s important to work with professionals who know how best to maintain the model you have.

We help you devise a storm water management plan. Our goal is to get rid of debris and potentially harmful toxins—keeping them separate from drinking water. That’s why we provide fast and safe filtration and maintenance services. We’ll help your business come up with the most environmentally-friendly plan for dealing with storm water runoff.

We service your water media filtration system. A number of companies call on us to clean and maintain water filter systems that are essential to their business. Our commercial vac services eliminate contaminants such as carbon, sand, stone and other unwanted particulates, so that the filters can be replaced for clean media.

We use vac trucks to clean out hard-to-reach places. Our trucks come with high-efficiency vacuum equipment that extracts sludge, liquids and other material from the site. With heavy-duty hoses, we’re able to get into crawl spaces and other cramped areas to do the work that might seem impossible for others to do. VacTone provides a variety of other services as well, including wet and dry vacuuming.

We dispose of waste materials safely. When we clean out catch basins, we’ll run across solid waste, such as leaves, dirt and natural debris. If, however, we encounter potentially toxic material, we follow strict EPA guidelines to ensure the material is disposed of properly and safely. Too many contractors take shortcuts, which can cause environmental pollution. We at VacTone are thorough and careful, because even the most seemingly harmless items can cause a great deal of damage. For example, everyday household products can be toxic, like cleaning products or medicines. It’s a good idea to educate yourself about which products should never be flushed down a toilet. The more informed you are, the better you’ll be able to take care of your corner of the environment.

At VacTone Environmental, we’re committed to keeping drainage systems and filters clean and working effectively for the good of the environment. Visit our website to see more of the services we provide and contact us for a consultation!

VacTone Environmental Services is your New England connection—serving Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern to central Connecticut and Rhode Island.