Increase Corporate and Environmental Sustainability with the Stormceptor

As a business leader, you are more than likely familiar with the term corporate sustainability, but are you familiar with the term “Stormceptor?” Before we can get that, we’ll first break down corporate sustainability. Corporate sustainability includes four key elements for optimum sustainability success.

Those four key elements include corporate social responsibility, corporate accountability, sustainable development, and the stakeholder theory. This article will address the key element affecting the environment – corporate social responsibility.

With corporate social responsibility, organizations become responsible and are held accountable for their actions which affect society, the company’s prosperity, and the environment. Sustainability experts refer to this as the “triple bottom line;” people, planet, prosperity.

Through taking responsibility for your company’s actions on the environment and on society, you’re building brand reputation while also helping to strengthen the communities that you work with. This then builds prosperity.

The Stormceptor and Corporate Sustainability Connection

You’ve probably never had to think about the gunk and toxins that are heading down the storm drains near your place of business, but now is the time to start. In fact, it’s time for companies and business leaders around the world to start paying attention to the amount of toxins leaving their grounds and facilities to then enter storm drains.

Many of us don’t even realize where this stuff goes once it enters the storm drains. We’re just glad that they work to protect us from flooding when it rains and things of that nature. But where does it all really go? And, just what is heading down those drains?

The stuff heading down those drains is rain water full of chemicals, toxins, bacteria, viruses, and pollutants that it picked up from the ground when it rained. Think about it for a moment…when it rains, especially when it pours, the ground becomes drenched.

So anything on the ground also becomes drenched and this stuff has to go somewhere…it heads on down storm drains. From there, this polluted rain water then heads on down to our precious rivers, lakes, and streams.

Keeping Rain Water Clean

If you’re asking yourself, well surely there must be a way to avoid this with all of the technology that we have available to us on a daily basis? And, there is, with the Stormceptor unit. This is a unit specifically designed to catch any chemicals, sediment, oils, or toxins before they head down the storm drains.

They are usually installed right next to your company’s storm drain. You may not even realize that it’s there, but it is and it’s doing it’s job every time it rains. Unless, it’s clogged and full of sediment. Well, then it’s not doing it’s job.

These units need to be maintained regularly for optimum performance. Enter Vactone – our company specializes in the cleaning and maintenance of these types of units.

If you’re not sure where your unit is located, we’ll help you get it located and let you know upon looking at the unit if it’s ready for maintenance. We’ll then let you know how often to have your unit maintained.

To increase corporate sustainability by learning more about the maintenance of your company’s Stormceptor units, contact us today!