How Storm Drain Maintenance Can Benefit You and the Environment

To us, the benefits of storm drain maintenance are obvious. But then they should be; it’s our business. Let’s take a moment to point out some of the important reasons and the best solutions that are available for proper storm drain maintenance and catch basin cleaning.

All facilities, whether they are large operations or smaller need to understand the importance of storm drain maintenance and catch basin cleaning.  While you may know of various options, it is important to make the correct choice of better underground drain cleaning by a regulated waste disposal company. We will begin at the beginning, with the one of the first points of contact, which is the catch basin.

At this time of year, in particular, you find all types of debris collecting in the catch basin.  This includes many types of solid materials such as leaves, twigs and even sand that accumulate as the “catch basins” are doing what they were designed to do. These items are removed during the cleaning operations by handling and disposal according to the Environmental Protection agency’s regulations.

Routine storm water only catch basins usually only contain the types of materials that were previously mentioned and can be disposed of in ordinary solid waste landfills.  However, in the case where there is evidence that the catch basin containing storm water may have become contaminated somehow, by a spill or other means, it is imperative that the materials be properly tested to identify any hazardous wastes.

Everyone can experience peace of mind knowing that all materials extracted by this quality service from our customers catch basins will be disposed of properly, according to the area solid waste regulations. The generator of the solid waste is responsible for proper disposal, and your operation will have “Proof of Disposal” from the service company handling the waste from your catch basin who provides a manifest of paper work detailing the proper disposal effort.

The positive effect on the environment will benefit everyone as you keep your storm drain system clean and operating properly to help protect from water run-off overloads.

If you have questions regarding proper storm drain maintenance and catch basin cleaning Contact us today.